New Product Releases and New Features: Warm welcome to the Neo4J Database System. We successfully integrated the Neo4J graph database system support to our products.

We released the following products:

  • Nucleon BI Studio 11.3
  • Nucleon Data Science Studio 11.3
  • Nucleon BI Viewer 11.3
  • Nucleon Data Browser 11.3
  • Nucleon Database Master 11.3
  • Nucleon BizApp Studio 2.3
  • Nucleon BizApp Center 2.3

Why Neo4J?

Neo4J integration to Nucleon Software products gives you more option to query, report, chart, dashboard, view and analyzes the graph data and its relations.

What is Neo4J?

Neo4j (Network Exploration and Optimization 4 Java) is a graph database management system developed by Neo4j, Inc. Described by its developers as an ACID-compliant transactional database with native graph storage and processing.