Business Intelligence with ArangoDB and AQL

This article shows you how to use Nucleon BI Studio with ArangoDB and ArangoDB Query Language ( AQL).

Build DataSet with AQL Query

Nucleon BI support native ArangoDB query languge (AQL) for data selection, projection, aggregation, filtering and sorting. AQL  is designed for advanced data quering and data mining. Nucleon BI support also ArangoDB and RDBMS data combinations into an single DataSet.  It allows to merge two different type of data sources (RDBMS, Key-Value, Document) into a single DataSet for reportig, charting and other visualizations.

Figure 1: Shows an DataSet item with native MongoDB Query

DataSets  for Visualization

DataSet items contains AQL script to retrieve data. Nucleon BI Studio executes the ArangoDB Query (AQL) on then database and retrieves the results as an flat table and tree data format. The result of queries is used for Reporting, Charting, PowerViews, Cross-Table Views, Single Web Pages and other visualiuation components.

Figure : ArangoDB Query is base for the dashboards and data visualization.

 With NucleonBI  and native ArangoDB AQL  support, you do not need to export your data into a CSV or Excel file for data visualization anymore. Querying data with native ArangoDB query language will save your time, data loss and speed-up data visualization projects.

Figure 3: ArangoDB Query (AQL) is the base for Charts

Query and Transform Data With C#

You need more data transformation or changes? C# Module can help you to this job. If you want to query, update, change,  transform  or do other changes to your data, you can allways use to C# Scripting Module wih ArangoDB Driver support. C# Module gives you more oppurtinity to work with data using C# language.

Figure 4: Query, Transform, Convert the data with ArangoDB C# Driver using C# Module

Project Download:

Info: The sample projects contains two files. One is BI project and one is Northwind database as JSON file. You need to import the Northwind.json data into your ArangoDB database using Json-Import module to view charts, reports and dashboards.